Hope Community Church
Friday, October 25, 2024

Our Dreams

If you could dream a church into existence, what would it look like?

Everything looks better on paper than it is in reality. At the same time, if you aim at nothing, you’re sure to hit it every time! So here at Hope we have put our dream church on paper. Hope is a work in progress-- in fact, we will always be a work in progress until Christ returns! However, we hope this will give you a glimpse of our heart and the passions that fuel our dreams. We invite you to join us in the pursuit of those dreams!

We envision a church that will…

   help people to develop a passion for God...

  • by encouraging people to engage in God-focused, heart-felt, creative worship
  • by passionately seeking God and remaining dependent upon Him through faith-filled prayer
   help people to follow His Word and Spirit...
  • by developing fully-devoted followers of Christ through the life-changing power of the Word of God in multiple arenas, including one-on-one discipleship, small groups, the worship service, and life-training workshops
  • by helping people find transformation, restoration, and healing (spiritual, emotional, and physical) through the power of the Holy Spirit
  • by seeking to fulfill the Great Commission through people who would disciple new believers who would, in turn, do the same with others
   help people to live in community...
  • by connecting people in personal, meaningful relationships through small groups that would exercise the Biblical “one anothers”
  • by valuing honesty & transparency in relationships, recognizing we are all broken people, saved by grace, but journeying together in the process of life transformation
  • by equipping people with the Biblical principles and life skills needed to build healthy relationships in all stages of life and stations
   help people to touch the lives of others...
  • by encouraging and equipping people to reach their sphere of influence with the life-changing message and power of Jesus Christ
  • by mobilizing people to serve the body & the community through their Spirit-given gifts and passions
  • by helping people to take steps to counter the busyness of our culture so they have more time to build relationships with God and with others
  • by raising up multiplying leaders to build the church locally and globally