Hope Community Church
Friday, March 14, 2025

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Position Description for

Welcome Ministry Team

Last updated: 4/16/14

Overall Ministry Description and How it Relates to Hope’s Mission Statement: The Welcome Ministry honors God and encourages others to live in community by extending Biblical hospitality to each person entering Hope Community Church.

Ministry Position Summary: To greet each person at the front door & lobby in a way that helps them feel welcomed, comfortable and loved; collect the offering bags & distribute contents as directed.

Ministry Leader: Jean Raine (email her at info@go2hope.org)

Spiritual Gifts, Talents & Skills: Those who are friendly, warm, helpful and have gifts of hospitality and service.

Reporting Structure: Reports to the Welcome Ministry Coordinator

Time commitment: Serve on a 3- member team (2 at the front door & 1 at the welcome table) once every 3-4 Sunday mornings from 9:00am – 9:45am.

Current Status: 8 serving/ 4-6 more people needed

General Ministry Responsibilities:

  1. Greeting –Front Door & Lobby
    • Be waiting @ the front door to warmly welcome each person with smiles, handshakes and eye contact (hugs if you feel comfortable!).
    • Introduce yourself to newcomers, ask for their name(s) and thank them for coming.
    • Give them our guest information sheets at the Welcome table
    • Escort the newcomers to the Worship Service location & name tag table.
    • Help newcomers feel comfortable by pointing out areas of interest such as rest rooms, drinking fountains, continental breakfast area; children’s and or nursery rooms if applicable & introducing them to a Children’s Ministry Team Member if able.
  2. Offering Bags
    • 2 persons of the 3-member team will collect the Offering Bags – distributing contents to the Welcome Ministry Coordinator and or other designated persons
  3. Rescheduling – if you are unable to serve on your scheduled Sunday, please attempt to find a replacement from the ministry team & let the coordinator know of the change. If you are unable to find a replacement, please call the coordinator.

“This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.”

John 15:12