Our Mission & Core Values

Our Mission Statement:
to honor God by helping people develop a passion for God, follow His Word & Spirit, live in community, and touch the lives of others
Our Core Values:
The following 4 core values are part of the DNA of Hope. They influence our thinking, our decisions, and our actions. In essence, these values mold how we “do church.”
- developing passion for God
Is it possible to have an intimate relationship with a God we cannot even see? We believe it is-- in fact, we believe that we were created for that very purpose! God is very much alive, and His desire is that we experience him! Here at Hope, our desire is to connect with God through passionate, abandoned worship. We also express our dependency on God through heart-felt prayer.
- following His Word and Spirit
God has given us His inspired Word so that we can know and live by His truth. Jesus also promised that He would always be with us through His Holy Spirit. Through His Spirit, Jesus empowers us to live the Christian life. He has also given us spiritual gifts to build the church. We believe that God desires all the gifts listed in the New Testament to be used today. So at Hope, we have both a strong emphasis on the Word of God and also a desire to move in the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Christian life was never intended to be a “lone ranger” journey. Life change happens best in the context of relationships. At Hope we emphasize life-changing home groups where we can connect with, learn from, and minister to one another. In home groups, we leave our titles and facades at the door, and through authentic relationships, we learn what it means “to do life” together as we journey with God and with each other.
Wherever Jesus went he touched lives. He desires that we do the same. Whether it be at our workplace or in our neighborhood, God has called us to reach out and touch people by praying for them, caring for their needs, and sharing about our new life in Jesus Christ! As people come to know Jesus personally, we want to link them up with people who have journeyed longer with Christ to help ground them in the basics of the Christian life. We call these mentoring relationships “discipleship.”