Hope Community Church
Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Position Description for

Set-up / Take-down Crew

Last updated: 6/20/16

Overall Ministry Description and How it Relates to Hope’s Purpose Statement: The set-up/take-down ministry glorifies God by facilitating the setting-up and taking-down of equipment for our corporate worship which encourages passion for God, connection with others, following His Word & Spirit, and touching lives.

Ministry Position Description Summary: To set-up and take-down all worship related equipment (sound, platforms, screen, etc.), all signage, tarps over the windows in the cafeteria, and arrange the tables & chairs

Ministry Leader: Jim Stewart (email him at info@go2hope.org)

Spiritual Gifts, Talents & Skills: Service, Helps, and/or enjoys manual ministry

Reporting Structure: Reports to the Set-up/Take-Down Ministry Coordinator, works closely with the Worship Leader and other set-up take-down team members

Time commitment: Serve on a 2-man team once every 3 Sunday mornings, 7:15-9:00 and 11:15-12:30pm

Current Status: 7 serving/1-3 more people needed

General Ministry Responsibilities:

  • Set-up
  1. Arrange tables & chairs (LCHS custodians should do most of this beforehand)
  2. Help bring up all equipment from storage unit in the lower level.
  3. Bring in risers from hallway storage.
  4. Set-up all worship related equipment (sound, platforms, screen, projection, etc.) before first on east side in front of clock.
  5. Raise tarp on west side windows.
  6. Deliver all three (3) totes via hand truck to Welcome Area (front door), Elementary, and Nursery classrooms.
    • Hang appropriate signage: Welcome signs and banner near w/front doors, classroom signs outside doors, and hallway door overhang signs
  7. Set-up all signage (Outside sign, front doors signage, hallway signage, banners, classroom signage)
  8. Set-up a table for Welcome the table & bring up the Welcome table box from storage unit
  9. Set-up the tarp over the windows in the cafeteria – West side tarp (behind Wayne/Jim/Cheryl) should be the first item to be set up.
  10. Place tablecloths, pens and centerpieces on all tables
  11. When needed: Set-up a table for communion & bring up the communion box from storage unit
  • Take Down
  1. Take down all equipment and signage above
  2. Place the platforms & everything else back in the storage unit
  • Re-scheduling
  1. If you need to reschedule for a Sunday, please first call another team member to see if you can switch Sundays. Then call the coordinator to inform him of the change. If you cannot find someone to switch, call the coordinator.