Hope Community Church
Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Position Description for

Home Group Host

Last updated: 4/15/14

Overall Ministry Description and How it Relates to Hope’s Mission Statement: To host a home group (small group) in order to help people connect with each other, grow in Christ, and do life together

Ministry Position Summary: To host a home group in one’s home

Ministry Leader: Wayne Okamoto (email him at info@go2hope.org)

Spiritual Gifts, Talents & Skills: Gift of hospitality; good people skills

Reporting Structure: Works with the leader of the home group

Time commitment: 2 hours once/week or every other week

Current Status: 3 serving/ 1-2 more people needed at this time

General Ministry Responsibilities:

  1. To host a home group in one’s home
  2. To provide beverages for the group (the group should reimburse you)
  3. To help coordinate who will bring snacks/dessert
  4. To welcome home group guests when they arrive