Hope Community Church
Friday, October 25, 2024

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Position Description for

Welcome Ministry-Greeters
***For Children


Last updated: 4/16/14

Minimum Age Requirement: At least 3rd grade

Ministry Position Summary: To serve along side the Welcome Ministry Team in greeting people at the front door and the nametag table

Ministry Leader: Jean Raine (email her at info@go2hope.org)

Reporting Structure: Reports to any Welcome Ministry Team member and ultimately to the Welcome Ministry Coordinator

Time commitment: Once every 3-5 Sunday mornings for 20-45 minutes between 9:00am & 9:45am (as appropriate by age & availability)

Current Status: 0 serving/ 4 more people needed

General Ministry Responsibilities:

  1. Assist the Front Door Greeters
    • Smile & say hello to people coming in
    • Hold door open for persons entering
    • If comfortable, walk along side a ministry team member in leading newcomers to the Worship Service location and sign-in table
  2. Assist the Nametag Table Greeters
    • Smile & say hello to those approaching the table
    • Help each person get a name tag
    • Hand out bulletins
  3. Cautions
    • The child’s parent or guardian along with the Welcome Ministry Coordinator, will determine the appropriate length of time to serve (younger children may only be comfortable for 10 minutes)
    • Child must stay with a Welcome Ministry Team member for the time he or she is serving unless the parent or guardian picks them up earlier
    • For safety purposes, the child’s parent or guardian must be available to collect their child at the end of the agreed upon time of service, or earlier if the child wishes.
    • No child will ever be forced to do tasks he or she is not comfortable doing, however, they will be encouraged to grow in love, service and hospitality in this ministry!
  4. Rescheduling
    • Rescheduling is not necessary, but a call to the Welcome Ministry Coordinator is appreciated if the child will not be serving on the agreed upon Sunday